NatureFiji-MareqetiViti receives sponsorship from businesses, organisations and individuals.
More than 130 members, friends and supporters rocked up to NatureFiji-MareqetiViti and Anniemal’s endangered species exhibition at the Fiji Museum on June 01st 2012.
The exhibition marks a milestone for NatureFiji-MareqetiViti in its record attendance and we are very grateful to the many businesses, organisations and individuals whose sponsorship have made the launching of the exhibition such a success.
The twenty life-sized models of endangered animals in Fiji are on exhibition in the Temporary Exhibition space at the Fiji Museum to help NatureFiji-MareqetiViti communicate with children and the general public about these species and the work that we do. The species have been selected from our very first public project that was launched in 2008 – Endangered Species of Fiji Compendium.
NatureFiji-MareqetiViti humbly acknowledges the following for their great support through their sponsorship of each model and for bringing in friends who bought tickets to the
- Siwatibau & Sloan barristers and solicitors;
- Raintree Lodge;
- Suliana Siwatibau (Trustee of NFMV);
- Dr. Gilianne Brodie;
- Australia Tropical Research Foundation;
- Environment Consultants Fiji Ltd;
- National Trust of Fiji;
- Wildlife Conservation Society;
- Multiple Intelligence School;
- Birdlife International Pacific Secretariat;
- Natural Solutions Pacific;
- BSP bank; and
- a supporter who wishes to remain anonymous
Vinaka vakalevu!!
The profiles of the above sponsors have been placed alongside the model that they have sponsored.
Models of endangered marine species, created by the students of Multiple Intelligence School, are also on display at exhibition space.
Along with the exhibition, a one month ‘silent auction’ has commenced and will end on 29th June 2012. To view these paintings that are on silent auction, please visit the NFMV Facebook page.
Please do contact us if you would like to put in a bid for the special paintings we are auctioning.
NatureFiji-MareqetiViti is greatly indebted to the wonderfully creative Anne O’Brien, friend and volunteer, who is a visiting school teacher from Scotland.
Anne single handedly created the 20 animal models from recycled materials and made the masi paintings.
You can see more of Anne’s creative work for environment education and awareness on:
We also thank the Fiji Museum for providing the venue and allowing NFMV to showcase their exhibition for an extra 2 months at no added cost.
Proceeds from the endangered species model exhibition and the auction of the masi paintings will go towards funding NatureFiji-MareqetiViti’s conservation action
Thank you all for your support!
Each species has its own masi painting up for auction. Bordering the painting of the animal are the known threats to the species. Contact us if you wish to bid for a painting.