Immense support has poured in from NatureFiji-MareqetiViti club members and supporters to fund our search for Fiji’s most endangered forest bird, the Kulawai.
Just two weeks ago, we had only $800 in our #FindOurKulawai fund. Thanks to our hardworking volunteers, interns and our generous supporters, we now have $6,000 to cover all associated travel costs. When we find our Kulawai, it will be because our members and supporters made it possible!
Nunia Moko – NFMV Director
The team is led by Vilikesa Masibalavu and consists of NFMV Staff and interns. The team is grateful that they will be joined by Tom Vierus of Pacific Media House to document the journey.
Join us in our search for our Kulawai. The team’s itinerary is here. Read more about the search here.