Nadavaci village is one of the six villages belonging to the award winning Sisi Initiative – a community based volunteer group established in 2005 with the then BirdLife International Fiji program to conserve the Natewa Tunuloa Important Bird Area on Fiji’s 2nd largest island of Vanua Levu.
The village representatives of the Sisi Initiative developed livelihood programs that would help reduce the pressure of native forest harvest and forest conversion to agriculture.
This video highlights some of the key lessons learnt by the group, and intends to help other communities thinking of establishing bee-keeping or honey production as a source of income.
The Sisi Initiative has had multiple donors (The Global Environment Facility (Small Grants Programme) and Satoyama Initiative; The World Bank; The US Embassy: The Australian Regional Natural Heritage Programme) and this video was made possible by the Darwin Initiative.
This profile of Nadavaci village is part of NatureFiji-MareqetiViti’s Darwin Initiative funded project: Delivering on Sustainable Forest Management for Fiji’s People and Wildlife.
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