Have Fun, Make A Mask And Help Us Raise Awareness Of Our Kulawai

Have Fun, Make A Mask And Help Us Raise Awareness Of Our Kulawai

Colour it, Wear it, And Share it for our Kulawai

The Remembrance Day for Lost Species—30th November—provides an opportunity to learn and tell stories of lost and disappearing birds.

This year’s focus is on pollinators—animals that move pollen from male flowers to female flowers in order to fertilize them. NatureFiji-MareqetiViti invites you to join us in helping to raise awareness of our critically endangered Kulawai, Fiji’s beautiful Red-throated Lorikeet (pictured on our $5 note).

The Kulawai feeds on fruit, pollen and nectar with a tongue that is specially adapted for its diet. But mammals that have been introduced to Fiji (especially tree climbing black rats), logging and road clearance have caused its decline.

The last reliable sighting of a Kulawai was in 1993, though it may have been seen o n Mount Tomanivi on Viti Levu in 2001.

Fiji $5 bill showing Kulawai

DON’T MISS OUT! Download our template, colour it, make the mask, take a selfie and share it on our NatureFiji-MareqetiViti Facebook page and also on the Color it Wear it and Share it Facebook Page.

We can’t wait to see your photos! Please share the post with all your friends! Vinaka!

Close-up photo of a Kulawai (Red-throated Lorikeet)

The Kulawai is EXTREMELY rare, and it may already be gone.

Do you know an individual or company who might fund a project to search for the kulawai?

NatureFiji-MareqetiViti would love to help save this national treasure. We have put a proposal together to go and search for this beautiful bird in the forests where it was last seen years ago.

If found, there will be a chance to save the Kulawai before it is too late—before it becomes a lost species, gone forever.

If you know of anyone who might want to fund the project to find the Kulawai, please share this with them and ask them to get in touch with us.

Template and instructions to make kulawai earrings as modeled by our director, Nunia, coming soon