In 2008, NatureFiji-MareqetiViti launched Fiji’s first Endangered Species Compendium. Developed under the ‘Endangered Species of Fiji’ project the objective of this initiative is to information to the public, particularly high school students, tertiary level students and teachers on 50 of Fiji’s endangered species.

We hope that your keen interest will lead you to support the conservation and much-needed research on our very own diverse and yet threatened flora and fauna.

We particularly hope that you will become so enthused with our wonderful wildlife that you will pursue careers in research and conservation.

The species profiles highlighted here are updated, and profiles for more species are created when new information and data are found.

Please do contact us if you have new information or questions regarding the species profiles. The information we upload is only as good as the information that we find. 

For previous versions of each species profile, please email [email protected]

While we are surrounded by sea and ocean, and our marine biodiversity is very rich and diverse, we share nearly all our marine biodiversity with our neighbours indeed, in most cases, with tropical islands and coastal countries around the world. The number of endemic marine species is very low, less than 20 are currently documented. In contrast, our terrestrial and freshwater ecosystems are not only biodiversity-rich but also contain a very large number of endemic species, over 946 are currently known. (See Table 1, below).