BSP signs up as a Corporate GOLD member, NFMV receives a huge boost in funding for our Taveuni project.

NatureFiji-MareqetiViti and the Marketing Department of BSP, based in Suva recently collaborated on the production of the 2014 BSP calendar, using rare high quality photographs of Taveuni wildlife provided by NFMV. Further discussion on this led BSP to feature a Taveuni theme on their 2014 calendar to promote and advocate for the establishment of the Taveuni National Park.

Nirdesh Singh, Head of Marketing Department, BSP with NFMV Director Nunia Thomas with a sample of the BSP desk calendar.

Taveuni is Fiji’s conservation stronghold as viewed from its outstanding landscape and biodiversity derived from its undisturbed tropical forest and freshwater habitats. NFMV is currently working with the forest landowners of Taveuni to establish a national park which will help gain international recognition and enable them to better benefit from their forest resources. The significance and profile of the island of Taveuni will no doubt have been raised through the BSP 2014 calendar production.
The 2014 BSP life desk calendar titled ‘Project Taveuni’

Naturefiji-MareqetiViti greatly acknowledges the photographers who kindly donated their photographs for this project, these are Paddy Ryan, Stuart Chape, Clare Morrison, Thomas Boysen, Guy Bottroff and Rob Fisher. We would not have been able to provide such wonderful pictures without them.

In addition to this, a big vinaka vakalevu to the BSP Marketing team for their contribution towards the Taveuni project.