Ganiviti, or the Pacific Black Duck (Anas superciliosa), is the only duck currently residing in this region—the others are considered as rare “vagrants”. They can be found in any freshwater or estuarine locality in the region, and commonly on the seaboard. They are quick to locate new pools after rain, and will even temporarily live in rice paddies. The introduced mongoose is a particular threat to newly hatched Ganiviti ducklings, who are especially vulnerable as they make their way from their nest site to the water.
“Forests and Biodiversity – Too precious to lose!” is the theme of the upcoming International Day of Forests on March 21. Each day until then, we’ll be sharing information about a different bird highlighted in our special edition playing cards. We hope you enjoy learning more about the precious diversity you can find right here in our Fijian forests! #IntlForestDay #IDOF2020