The 1st Pacific Islands Bat Forum is a free virtual event that will bring bat conservationists and key stakeholders together from across the Pacific and the wider Oceania region.
The aim of the forum is to facilitate the sharing of knowledge between community organizations, researchers, and policymakers and to provide a collaborative environment to identify conservation and research priorities for Oceania bats.
The first three days of the forum will be dedicated to key threat, conservation and research workshops for Pacific Island bats. Each workshop will be preceded by relevent talks that provide examples of key threats and the conservation work occuring in the region.
Click here for more information about the Australasian Bat Society. You can also visit the Pacific Bat Conservation Network FaceBook page.
Update from PacBat:
- Details of the technical workshops are now available on the platform. You do not need to register for each workshop but if you can click the ‘like’ button next to the workshops and add them to your personal agenda that will give us an idea of how many attendees to expect.
- All technical workshops will take place on Friday 13 August and the agenda will include:
- Wildlife Acoustics Sponsor Workshop
- Wildlife Drones Sponsor Workshop
- Titley Scientific Sponsor Workshop
- Bat I.D. and Basic Field Skills – Dr Tyrone Lavery
- Using Acoustics to Study Bats: Reference Calls, Analysis and Lures – Dr Michael Pennay and Dr Ian Davidson-Watts
- Field Biological Sample Collection – Dr Kyle Armstrong
- Grant Writing Workshop – Simon Mickleburgh (The Rufford Foundation) and others
- The platform is live so make sure to log on and take part in the community discussions and competitions!